Sewing Classes


Are you practical? Can you sew? You would be surprised how many people out there have reached adulthood and don’t even know how to thread a needle and sew on a button let alone darn the socks.

Well if you are a practical person and can do all these things then why don’t you set up a little sewing class for adults that you can run from home? You could offer one to two hours a week in the evening or during the day, whichever time suits you best and teach these impractical adults how to sew. If it goes well then open up the class further and even offer it to teens, men, and kids.

Sewing is not difficult and not considered one of life’s great skills but it is rather an essential skill to have. Think how many people get frustrated when their buttons fall off and they can’t sew them on, their favorite socks have a hole in them or your child’s favorite trousers have been ripped. Why spend money having it fixed when you can fix it yourself? By offering sewing lessons to adults and teens you will be doing a great service to your community. You can even offer basic courses and more advanced courses where you can teach students how to hem or even make garments.

A sewing class in your home requires very little input financially and physically from you. You can end up having classes each day, buying supplies in bulk and making a tidy little profit. Not a bad idea, I think, for teaching a simple skill that many lack.

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